Like a prayer: alcuni demo svelati da Patrick Leonard

Madonna Like a prayer album

In un post su Instagram, Patrick Leonard ha pubblicato la foto di una cassetta contenente alcuni titoli di demo registrati per l’album “Like a prayer”.

Insieme alle conosciute Like a prayer, Spanish Eyes, Cherish e Dear Jessie (canzoni in versione demo, che lo stesso Leonard specifica ‘.. Non sono prodotte. Senza parti suonate dal vivo, e archi e cori etc…’), spuntano alcuni titoli fino ad ora sconosciuti: Angels, Little Girl, Out Of Time, Bossa Nova, 205 Jazz, Mid Tempo, #11, #12 e Dance.

Poco dopo lo stesso Patrick Leonard ha postato su Instagram un’altra foto contenente lo spartito di “Angels with dirty faces”, spiegando che:

  • il brano “Angels” è il demo di una canzone dal titolo “Angels with dirty faces”, completa ma mai pubblicata;
  • Little Girl è Promise to Try.
  • Out of Time è Till Death do us Part.
  • Boss’s Nova è solo un’idea dall’atmosfera “Latin”, ma senza parti cantate;
  • 20’s jazz è un demo mid-tempo, anche questo senza parti cantate, solo un’idea;
  • Il lato B della cassetta è vuoto, quindi #11, 12 e Dance non esistono

Thought I’d better break down the cassette before somebody losses their mind. They’re first day versions. So the day we wrote it. They have a lead vocal and some backgrounds. We worked from these versions and they became the records. The titles you recognize are what they say they are. Not produced. Without live players and strings and choirs etc. “Angels” is a song called Angels with dirty faces. It’s complete. And was never released. Good too. LIttle Girl is Promise to Try. Piano vocal like the record but not that version. Out of Time is Till Death do us Part. Boss’s Nova is a Latin feel idea that never got there. No vocal. Just an idea. 20’s jazz, the same, as is Mid Tempo. Sparks that made no fire. It happens. Side two of the tape is blank so #11, 12 and dance don’t exist. I can NOT release or put up snippets. I’d be drawn and quartered. Maybe I’ll try and organize some kind of private listening. It would have to be in space so let’s hit up Elon Musk. Wish I could release it all because I know how happy it would make you all. But, I can not. Respectfully. PL

Un post condiviso da Patrick Leonard (@patrickleonardofficial) in data:

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