Art For Freedom: il 14 aprile Madonna sarà su BuzzFeed

Dopo, Madonna lancerà un altro progetto sempre dedicato all’espressione artistica del concetto di libertà, questa volta all’interno della community

Gli utenti potranno condividere foto, video, poesie etc… e sarà Madonna il 14 Aprile a collegarsi nella community per dare il suo input e il suo incoraggiamento alle entries degli utenti.

Collegarsi sulla pagina ufficiale per iscriversi e per maggiori info

“Attention BuzzFeed:

After traveling around the world and witnessing an overwhelming amount of discrimination, intolerance, and bigotry — I felt I needed to make a statement.

I started in September 2013 to give artists everywhere a platform to define what freedom means to them and to allow them to express their right for freedom of expression.

Now I am asking you — the BuzzFeed community — to share with me and others your artistic expression of freedom. This can be in the form of photography, video, dance, poetry, etc. I will be going through those entries directly on April 14 at 6 p.m. and giving you my input and encouragement to let your voice be heard LOUDLY.

An artist has the responsibility to not only reflect society, but to shape it.

If you need any inspiration, I made you a BuzzFeed-worthy list of some of the many freedom fighters who have guided me along the way with their actions as well as their art.

Are you with me? Then submit below and I will see you on April 14.

— Madonna”